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Halima Abdullah – Sayblee Hair Growth Treatment Case Study

Written by Sayblee Darsale

October 1, 2024

Halima Abdullah – Sayblee Hair Growth Treatment Case Study

Hello, my name is Halima Abdullah and I’m twenty years old. I have been dealing with hair loss since I was 10-11 years old, and it really has taken a toll on my confidence and self-worth. Going through puberty it was the last thing I needed at the time. I remember getting mad fun of for having thin hair and so I put it up and covered it with a bandana. I tried different home remedies and products, I even went to the dermatologist to get shots on my scalp. However, I called it quits when I started using Rogaine which was a big mistake. I started having horrible reactions, to the point I could not catch my breath. So, I gave that up and just wanted to cut it all off.

Luckily enough though I met Sayblee, and HONESTLY to God this woman has changed my life. She has given me the opportunity to feel empowered. She made sure I was never going to wear a Bandana again. Sayblee has given me the chance to be a candidate for her products, and now my hair has been brought back to life. It’s been a long journey, but very much worth it.

Journal Entries

January 16, 2020

I visited Sayblee today, she says my hair is coming in very nicely. However, it was looking a bit thin and it was greasy. I was probably a bit to heavy handed with the nourishing oil.

January 29, 2020

I washed my hair today. It looks a lot better compared to the last entry (probably the oil). I can see that my hair is coming in, I’ve started to notice that my problem area is the top front portion of my scalp. Other than that, I don’t really see any patches.

February 12, 2020

My hair has been feeling and looking very healthy and dark. Still my problem area is still very much open.

February 26, 2020

Today I feel like I have hit a plateau in my hair journey. My hair is healthy and getting fuller just not that much in my problem area. I won’t give up though (we will see).

March 4, 2020

Today my hair looks very Dark and has a nice thickness feeling to it, which is great, it is something I have experienced before. However, today I came across something different, normally when I separate my hair there’s really no distinctive part because my front part of my scalp is normally not that full. But today I noticed a nice parted line forming on my head. Which tells me that I’m getting were I need to be.

March 18, 2020

I met up with Sayblee today and she told me there is more hair coming in and that I’m on the right track (Great). I’ve been making sure to treat my hair like a baby, I’m not using any hair ties just bobby pins to put up my hair. There kind to my hair, it doesn’t pull on my hairs.

April 1, 2020

Alrighty!!!! Today I noticed a big change for me. My problem area is really coming in. Yes, there’s is a bit of an opening, but my God its closing. I mean I’m so happy because it was really starting to concern me.

April 15, 2020

Again, I have been doing great I haven’t had a bad hair day yet. I have learned to definitely not to put and overbearing amount of product in my hair because it really causes the hair to be weighed down. My hair is longer and feels just so alive.

April 29, 2020

My hair had a wash and it feels really calm and clean (love that feeling), Anyway I wore my hair out and about today, and I didn’t feel overwhelmed with fear, which means a lot to me, even if my hair is still growing I am just over the moon. No down falls except that I need trim my ends, but because of Covid-19 it’s been a while since I had one.

March 13, 2020

My hair feels normal not too oily and no downfalls, so that’s good. I can’t wait to get my ends trimmed.

May 26, 2020

Sayblee trimmed my ends today, everything is really coming together (slowly but surly). I can finally say I have thin hair and not that I’m balding. It’s really healthy and feeling fuller on the top area of my head.

June 8, 2020

My hair feels really strong today. I was brushing it today and it feels so strong WOW!

June 22, 2020

I’ve started to notice the gap on one side of my scalp is closing a bit quicker then one side. Other than that, everything is still doing swell.

July 5, 2020

Today I picked up another treatment. My hair is getting thicker at the ends normally it would be thicker near the scalp. The side that’s closing quicker on my scalp is starting to match up with the other side. Yes, there’s still space, but my problem area is starting to close. So things are going GREAT!

July 18th, 2020

Today I was looking at my older pictures of my hair and compared them to now, and my hair is so much more heather looking it looks more enriched if that makes sense. My hair always feels so much darker and healthy every time I wash it. I’m still working on my most problem area, it’s always been a tougher spot. However, Sayblee and I see new growth coming in, Sayblee says I just need to continue with the products to fill in that area that has the most problem.

July 28, 2020

I had asked Sayblee to give me a haircut as a last favor, and she gave me a real treat. Its short kind of like a pixie cut and I’m in love. I went home and my mother loved it just as much as me. I never had my hair this short and I don’t regret it. I feel so free and TRULY in love with my hair, I can’t stop looking at it (I even cried a little bit). This one little haircut has really changed how I see myself and my relationship with my hair. Since I have hereditary hair loss, without these products I don’t think my hair would have lasted any longer. Sayblee’s products are my forever products and I will stay and continue my hair journey. I really want to Thank Sayblee for giving me this gift of bringing life to my hair, because for a long time I thought would never have my old hair back. Thank you

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